Our Results
Huish is one of the best Sixth Form Colleges in the country for results and consistently ranked highly when compared to all other educational institutions for its students’ added value.
We are excellent at producing students who do better than expected. Whatever your level of achievement at GCSE or background, if you really want to succeed, then we provide a powerful combination of excellent courses, personal support and enrichment that will ensure you get your choice of University or employment.
Class of 2024 results
The overall A Level pass rate at Huish was 99%, with 81% of students gaining A*- C grades. An impressive 57% achieved high grades of A*-B, 4% above the national average. A Level students did well across a wide range of courses, with 81 achieving three or more A*/A grades, and 95 achieving three or more A*/A grades at A Level and AS Level.
Results for students studying Vocational Extended Diplomas were exceptional, with nearly 82% achieving at least one Distinction grade in their profile. 26 achieved the very top results of triple Distinction*.
Students on a mix of A Level and Vocational courses also performed strongly with 67% of them achieving a Distinction or Distinction* in the vocational elements of their Study Programme.
We are very proud of our consistency in helping all learners to achieve their very best.
View additional performance data for Richard Huish College.

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What our students progress on to achieve
Our students go on to achieve great things and we will support you to explore a full range of progression options, from University to Degree Apprenticeships and employment. Visit our Careers and Progression section for more information about the support we offer and our Careers programme.
View our 2024 Destination Report for more information about our students’ future destinations or read our latest student journey news.
We will prepare you to become an independent learner to ensure you are well-equipped for your future. Huish students excel at university. Higher Education Statistics Agency data shows proportionally more Huish students achieved First Class and Upper Second Class Honours degrees in the 2021-22 academic year when compared to the Sixth Form College sector. The SFCA HESA Report details the degree levels achieved by former Huish students (2021-2022).
If you are planning your application to Huish and need some help choosing an Apprenticeship or your Study Programme subject(s) you can contact the Careers and Progression team – careers@richuish.ac.uk.