Policies and Procedures
- Fees Policy Implementation Procedures
- Health & Safety Statement of Intent
- Health and Safety Policy
- Acceptable Use Policy
- Visitor Wi-Fi Acceptable Use Policy
- Data Protection and Freedom of Information Policy
- 16-19 Tuition Fund Statement 2022-23
- 16- 19 Admissions Policy 2022-23
- Conflict of Interests Policy
- RHT Publication Scheme
- RHC Bursaries and Free School Meals Policy
- Charging and Remissions Policy
- Security guidance for site users
Safeguarding and PREVENT
Equality and Diversity
The College promotes equality of opportunity for all students in terms of both access to, and content of, the teaching curriculum, enrichment opportunities and support services.
All students will be encouraged to achieve their potential, and expected to recognise and respect the worth of all individuals irrespective of social and cultural backgrounds, race, disability, gender, sexuality, age, religion or belief or any other individual difference.
HR Policies
- Whistleblowing Policy
- Safer Recruitment Policy and Procedure
- The Richard Huish Trust Gender Pay Gap Report is available on the RHT website
Further information about Huish Policies can be found on our Governance page.