Our apprenticeships support anyone looking to advance a career in Accountancy or Education.
Apprenticeships allow you to build qualifications whilst acquiring highly desired skills through real work experience.
They offer an alternative to university, a way to begin a career or to continue your learning in an existing job role.
Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) qualifications are internationally recognised and will help you find success in your Accountancy career.
You can progress through the apprenticeship levels. We offer:
- Level 2 Accounts/Finance Assistant (AAT)
- Level 3 Assistant Accountant (AAT)
- Level 4 Professional Accounting Technician (AAT)
Huish also offers AAT courses for those looking to achieve qualifications but not wishing to take an Apprenticeship route.

Education (including Early Years)
If you think you have what it takes to inspire and nurture others we can help you achieve your aspirations in education. We offer:
- Level 2 Early Years Practitioner (working with children aged 0 to 5 years)
- Level 3 Early Years Educator (working with children aged 0 to 5 years)
- Level 3 Teaching Assistant (working with individuals aged 5 years+)
We also offer a number of other qualifications for those working in educational settings.

Apprentices’ FAQs
What Level Apprenticeship should I take?
Level 2 Intermediate Apprenticeships are an equivalent educational level to GCSEs and often require no prior knowledge of a topic.
Level 3 Apprenticeships are equivalent educational level to A Levels and require a level of experience or prior learning, this may include Level 2 study (Apprenticeship/GCSE/Vocational) or relevant work experience.
Many people commence Level 3 Apprenticeships following a career change or Further Education but some learners may begin following school.
Level 4 qualifications allow those with a significant range of experience to develop their skills even further. Level 4 Higher Apprenticeships are equivalent educational level as Foundation Degree, or above, and usually require you to have achieved a Level 3 qualification first.
Our Apprentice team can advise you based on your experience the best starting point for your goals.
What happens during an Apprenticeship?
As an Apprentice, you are an employee and the majority of your training will take place in the workplace and be practical in nature. You will be released from work at times to attend taught sessions on campus to gain additional knowledge.
Your training is designed with the help of industry experts to ensure it is a structured programme that takes you through the skills you need to do a job well. There are targets and checks to make sure that your employer is supporting you and that you are making progress. You will be asked to complete assignments for each unit of your Apprenticeship.
There is no set time to complete an Apprenticeship (although an estimated timeline may be provided to you based on the content involved), you continually work through the units until your Assessor can confirm you have successfully demonstrated all the skills required within the Apprenticeship standard/framework.
How do I apply?
You apply for an Apprenticeship in the same way you would for a job.
Browse current vacancies or contact our team to discuss the type of positions you are hoping to find.
If your application is shortlisted for a position you will be invited to attend an interview with the employer. Our Apprenticeship team can help you prepare for your interview if you would like some guidance.
If you have a current employer who is keen to support you through a qualification, please contact our team, they will liaise with you and your employer to arrange the start of your training and your new contract as an Apprentice.
Where can I find out more?
For general information visit the government website or if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us.
Employers’ FAQs
Why are Apprentices beneficial to employers?
Hiring an Apprentice, or putting a current employee through an Apprenticeship, allows you to have direct impact on the skills built within your business. Our team will work with you to design a training programme that suits your needs. Apprentices can be shaped for your business and often feel a sense of loyalty towards their employer.
It can be cost effective to hire an Apprentice as their wages are relatively low. The rate they must be paid will depend on their age and whether they are in the first 12 months of their Apprenticeship. The latest information about pay rates is available on the government website. You will need to pay course fees, these are dependent on employer size and age of Apprentice. Our team can advise you about Apprenticeship funding available, many people are surprised how financially possible it is for them to hire an Apprentice.
What is an Apprentice's contract of employment like?
We advise you include the word ‘Apprentice’ in the the employee’s job title and make their contract fixed term for the lenght of their Apprenticeship programme.
They must work a minimum of 30 hours per week, including the time spent at Richard Huish College.
They should have a named supervisor and if they are under the age of 18 they should not be working alone. They will generally have the same terms and conditions as other employees within your organisation e.g holiday entitlement, hours of work.
What support does Huish offer?
Initially, our team can support you to design the training programme you desire and guide you on how to introduce Apprenticeships to your business.
We can assist with the recruitment and interview process including shortlisting suitable applicants for the vacancy.
Throughout the Apprenticeship our Assessors will help review your Apprentice’s progress and offer guidance. Additional support from our student services team can also be offered if required.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for an informal chat if you are considering taking on an Apprentice.
For further information please read our Apprenticeship Training Service Agreement.