This course is a component of the Level 2 Pathway. Studied alongside other Level 2 qualifications/GCSE resits, this one year course will help you prepare for a Level 3 Study Programme and to pursue a range of careers.

This qualification provides an engaging, practical and relevant introduction to the world of business. It encourages you to explore the range of business types and understand the factors that influence success through analysing business models.

It enables you to develop, enhance and apply your research, practical, communication and technical skills through creating and presenting a business plan for a realistic business start-up in your local area. You will study finance and analyse key financial statements (for example, income statements and statements of financial position), reviewing their importance in the successful financial management of a business.

You will have the opportunity through applied learning to develop core specialist knowledge, skills and understanding required in retail, customer service and enterprise.

Previous study visits include trips to Disneyland Paris and Cadburys. You will also be visited by motivational speakers and local businesses with the opportunity to take part in external team building exercises.


The first unit is ‘Introduction to Business’. You will;

  • explore how businesses operate
  • consider how market research helps businesses understand the market in which they operate in
  • investigate the use of the marketing mix

The second unit is ‘Finance for Business’. You will learn to;

  • understand the costs involved in business and how businesses make a profit
  • understand how businesses plan for success
  • understand how businesses measure success and identify areas for improvement

Your third unit is ‘Enterprise in the Business World’. You willl;

  • explore how trends and the current business environment may impact on businesses
  • plan an idea for a new business
  • present a business model for a business start-up

You will select one additional forth unit in either ‘Branding’, ‘Customer Service’ or ‘Recruitment’.

Three units (75% of your grade) are internally assessed through coursework and a practical assessment. This work may take the form of written assignments, presentations, observations or employer engagement.

One unit (25% of your grade) is externally assessed through an exam.

The course is equivalent to one GCSE and graded as Pass, Merit, Distinction or Distinction Star.

You must be aged 16 years+ to complete the Level 2 Pathway.

The standard entry requirement is a GCSE profile of grade 3s however the programme is also aimed at students who haven’t had the opportunity to sit GCSE’s, this could be for several reasons which could include students who have been homeschooled.