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The course is an introduction to studying Law and the English legal system and assumes no prior knowledge on your part.

As well as learning about the legal system and the sources of our laws we look at three areas of substantive Law; criminal law, tort law and contract law.

We also study some of the philosophical ideas that underpin our legal system and the relationship between law, justice and morality.

Law trains the mind to think logically and that is a skill required in many types of work.

Knowledge of the law gives you more power over your life and builds your confidence when dealing with others. Awareness of people’s rights and responsibilities under the law is important in the modern world.

We offer various Law EnRICH opportunities including trips, guest speakers, a student-led Law Society, mooting, and a chance to participate in the National Bar Mock Competition. We also run a Law Conference and Law Fair biannually.

You will get to learn in our mock courtroom which simulates a real court environment.



The course introduces you to the skills needed to solve law problems.

You will study:

  • Criminal Law
  • The English Legal System
  • Civil Law (Tort and Contract Law)
  • Concepts of Law. 

We aim to offer trips to the Magistrates Court, the Old Bailey and Supreme Court.

As a minimum, you will need (or equivalent to):

  • GCSE Mathematics grade 4
  • GCSE English Language grade 4
  • plus three more GCSEs at grade 4


There are three, 2 hour exams:

  • Paper 1: English Legal System and Criminal Law
  • Paper 2: English Legal System and Tort Law
  • Paper 3: English Legal System and Contract Law.

Students go on to a wide variety of careers and courses.

About 45% of our Law students choose to go on to higher education to study Law and law relating subjects.

In recent years this has included Universities such as Oxford, Cambridge, Durham, Bristol, Manchester, LSE and Exeter.

Students also progress to a variety of legal apprenticeships and we have links with local and national firms who come and visit our students to discuss this as option and help with their applications.

Will I be disadvantaged applying for a Law degree if I study a Law A Level?

This is a common misconception.

There are other qualifications that will be accepted as entry to Law undergraduate programmes but all university Law degree courses accept A Level Law . 

A large number of our students progress to study Law at degree level after developing their passion for the subject at Huish. 

Do I need to know about law to study in at A Level

We assume that you are coming with no previous experience of law. We start the course by looking at how laws are made and the criminal structure of the courts to help you build your understanding.

Is Law challenging?

Law is no more or less challenging than any other subject. Our Huish 30 is designed to ensure you can develop your understanding of content in the classroom.

The challenge of Law is that it will be new as you have not studied this before however that’s also exciting!

Why should I study Law when I don’t want to be a Lawyer?

Law impacts every part of our lives.

It is a highly respected qualification with universities and employers and will apply to any future career as we are all bound by the law.