This course is about gaining hands-on leadership, coaching and officiating experience, and will prepare you for a career in Sport.
Our students have delivered PE lessons and after-school clubs in local primary schools, run activities for the Somerset Cricket Foundation, and worked as Officials alongside Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership (SASP).
Your practical learning is supported by classroom sessions where you build your knowledge of training and exercise and the physiological effects they have on our anatomy.
You will explore how nutrition affects our health and performance and how to test for fitness.
You will also learn how Sport is a business and explore how national governing bodies are developing Sport to increase participation and inclusivity.
You will have a wide range of challenging and enjoyable experiences including running an event and visiting the Etihad Stadium and the National Cycling Centre.
This qualification will give you an excellent insight into the different career paths sport has to offer and develop a range of transferrable skills that will support you in the future.
This Extended Diploma will make up the core requirement of your Study Programme and is equivalent to three A Levels.
Some of the topics we cover are:
- Anatomy & Physiology
- Practical Sport
- Professional Development
- Fitness Training & Programming
- Fitness Testing
- Leadership
- Research Methods
- Coaching
- Rules & Regulations
- Sport Development
- Business in Sport
- Sports Events
- Skill Acquisition
As a minimum, you will need (or equivalent to):
- GCSE Mathematics grade 4
- GCSE English Language grade 4
- plus three more GCSEs at grade 4
For the BTEC Extended Diploma, a Level 2 vocational qualification at grade merit or above can be accepted in place of one GCSE.
The course is made up of 14 units.
10 units are internally assessed through a variety of coursework including written reports, presentations, interviews, practical delivery and reflections.
The other four units are externally assessed, one via an exam and three through controlled assessments with pre-released material.
Popular career choices include Fitness Training, Sports Coaching, Governing Body Work and Sports Development.
We will actively signpost you throughout the course to any NGB qualifications that will benefit you.
Whilst many choose to continue with Sport some students study other subjects at university or find an Apprenticeship using the transferable skills that they have gained.
Do Universities accept vocational qualifications?
Yes, they are widely accepted.
This course includes a variety of different types of assessment, it is not just coursework or practical, helping you build a variety of desired skills.