This course will help you take your first steps towards an exciting career in protecting the public.

Its main aim is to help prepare you for roles in the Armed Services, Fire and Rescue Service, Police Force and Prison Services, however it does develop your skills for a wide range of careers.

This qualification is equivalent of three A Levels and carries the same UCAS points tariff, so you will not study additional subjects within your core Study Programme.

Assignments can be written or activity based and include tasks such as fitness testing, map reading, team building and outdoor pursuits.

The course develops a variety of skills including problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, working collaboratively, negotiating, self-presentation, self-management, resilience and self-monitoring. There are also opportunities to develop skills in English and Mathematics.

Uniformed Protective Services logo

In your first year, you will study five units: 

  • Citizenship and Diversity (this is a Pearson-set theme that is different every year)
  • Behaviour and Discipline in the Uniformed Protective Services (examined unit)
  • Physical Preparation, Health and Wellbeing
  • Teamwork, Leadership and Communication in the Uniformed Protective Services
  • Expedition Skills

In your second year, you will study eight units:

  • Understanding the Third Sector
  • Government and the Protective Services (examined unit)
  • Planning for and Responding to Emergency Incidents
  • Skills for Outdoor Activities and the Uniformed Protective Services
  • Developing Personal Fitness Programmes
  • Principles of Managing Security Threats
  • Professional Development in the Uniformed Protective Services
  • Global Affairs, the Media and the Uniformed Protective Services

As a minimum, you will need (or equivalent to):

  • GCSE Mathematics grade 4
  • GCSE English Language grade 4
  • plus three more GCSEs at grade 4

For the BTEC Extended Diploma, a Level 2 vocational qualification at grade merit or above can be accepted in place of one GCSE.

Two of the 13 units are assessed by examination. These exams contain 20% of the marks available for the course.

The other 80% are available through internally assessed coursework assignments, these may be written or practical.

There are many exciting careers that this course will prepare you to begin.

You may go on to join one of the Uniformed Protective Services, such as the Armed Forces, Prison Service or Fire and Rescue Service, or work at a police headquarters as a call handler.

Alternatively, past students have progressed to university to study a whole range of courses such as Criminology, Social Work, Business, Outdoor Education, Disaster Management, Cyber Security or a Police Apprenticeship Degree.

Are there any costs associated with this course?

There may be additional trip and equipment costs.

Various bursaries are available at Huish subject to eligibility.